www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > Oct > Incident at 3400 Sampson
Houston Police Department
Incident at 3400 Sampson

October 11, 2012 - Houston police are investigating the fatal shooting of a suspect at 3400 Sampson about 12:10 a.m. today.

The suspect, Kenneth Brian Releford (b/m, DOB: 2-23-74), was pronounced dead at Ben Taub General Hospital.

Officer J. Rosemon, who discharged his duty weapon, was not injured. Officer Rosemon, assigned to the South Central Patrol Division, was sworn in as an officer in November 2010.

HPD Homicide Division Sergeant S. Murdock and Senior Police Officer B. Evans reported:

A 61-year-old man was asleep in his home, located in the 3000 block of Francis, with his 87-year-old father and two nephews, 12 and 14 years of age. The suspect in this case, Kenneth Releford, kicked in the front door of their home and entered the residence.

Once inside, the suspect walked to the back bedroom and sexually assaulted one of the juvenile males. The elderly man, 87, and in a wheelchair, confronted the suspect and a brief struggle ensued. The suspect then walked out of the house and back down the street to his own residence. A short time later, after the responding officer arrived, the suspect aggressively confronted the officer with one hand behind his back as if he was holding a weapon, and he refused to obey the officer's commands. After the officer retreated backward, away from his patrol vehicle in an effort to create distance between the suspect and himself, and called for assistance on his radio, the suspect charged the officer, forcing the officer to defend himself. The suspect refused to show his hidden hand and continued his advance upon the officer. Fearing for his safety, the officer discharged his weapon, striking the suspect. HFD paramedics arrived and the suspect became combative and began to fight with them. The paramedics and an officer eventually placed the suspect on a stretcher and transported him to the hospital.

As is customary in HPD officer-involved shootings in the city limits, the incident is being investigated by the HPD Homicide and Internal Affairs Divisions, as well as the Harris County District Attorney's Office.

JFC/JKS 10-11-12
Inc #128938512

For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.