www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > May > HPD Honors Local High School Students
Houston Police Department
HPD Honors Local High School Students

May 22, 2012 - Members of the Houston Police Department’s Command Staff recently honored dozens of local high school students for their participation in the Youth Police Advisory Council (YPAC).

The award ceremony and reception was held at the HPD South Gessner Police Station.  Photos of the event are attached to this news release. 

HPD Executive Assistant Chief Martha Montalvo applauded the students for graduating, telling them they showed initiative, leadership and commitment.  She said YPAC is a perfect example of HPD’s community policing philosophy.

“Everything HPD does is in conjunction with the community,” Executive Assistant Chief Montalvo said.  “We are not apart from the community; we are a part of the community.  We are a public servant,” she said.

The Youth Police Advisory Council is a voluntary, diverse group of local high school students concerned about issues affecting their lives. The youth council meets with Police Chief Charles A. McClelland, Jr. and other HPD commanders and officers to discuss current problems facing young people today and how they relate to the Houston Police Department’s policies and programs.

“YPAC’s primary goal is to equip young people with what they need to be leaders among their peers,” said YPAC program coordinator Rhonda Holmes.  “These students are addressing some tough topics such as bullying, peer pressure and teen dating violence.  They then go back to their high schools where they act as ambassadors, educating their peers on these important issues.  They are really making a difference in the lives of their fellow students,” Holmes said.

At the graduation ceremony, YPAC members showcased projects in which they have participated throughout the school year. One student presented a video she made about her own experiences with bullies.  That video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCgoXoQFjy0&feature=email  Another student discussed teen dating violence awareness— its warning signs, what victims and friends of victims can do and the resources available.  A third student spoke about the round table discussions with Chief McClelland and other Command Staff members.  She appreciated that YPAC not only allowed the students to discuss the issues, but to go into the community to see first-hand the difference they can make.

High school students interested in taking part in next year’s YPAC are encouraged to visit https://www.houstontx.gov/police/vip/ypac.htm for more information about the program and application guidelines and deadlines.

Members of the Houston Police Department’s Command Staff recently honored dozens of local high school students


Members of the Houston Police Department’s Command Staff recently honored dozens of local high school students


Members of the Houston Police Department’s Command Staff recently honored dozens of local high school students


KJS/JFC  5-22-12

For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.