www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > May > Fatal Traffic Accident at 9501 South Sam Houston Parkway
Houston Police Department
Suspect Charged in Incident at 14647 South Main

May 18, 2012 - Charges have been filed against a suspect arrested in an incident in which a Houston police officer discharged his duty weapon at 14647 South Main about 6 p.m. on Thursday (May 17).

The suspect, Marco D. Brooks (b/m, DOB: 7-18-75), is charged with assault, evading arrest and resisting arrest in Harris County Criminal Court #13.  No photo of Brooks is available at this time.

Officer J.T. Johnson, who discharged his weapon, was not injured.  Officer Johnson was sworn in as an officer in August 2008 and is assigned to the South Gessner Patrol Division.

HPD Homicide Division Police Officer J. Dominguez reported:

Officer Johnson was approached by a female who told him she had been assaulted.  The female identified Brooks, who was across the street at a gas station, as the person who assaulted her.  Officer Johnson drove his patrol car to the gas station in an attempt to question him.  Brooks fled on foot through the parking lot into a carwash.  Officer Johnson exited his patrol vehicle and pursued Brooks on foot near the back of the gas station.  Officer Johnson drew his duty weapon and gave Brooks repeated verbal commands to get on the ground.   Brooks ignored those commands and instead moved toward Officer Johnson.  Officer Johnson, believing Brooks was reaching for his (Officer Johnson's) gun, discharged his duty weapon one time but did not strike the suspect.  Brooks then fled again on foot through the parking lot.  Officer Johnson pursued, and upon the catching Brooks, the two fell to the ground and began to struggle.  Eventually, Officer Johnson was able to handcuff Brooks and take him into custody.

Brooks was not injured in this incident.

As is customary when an HPD officer discharges his duty weapon in the city limits, the incident is being investigated by the HPD Homicide and Internal Affairs Divisions.

KJS/JFC  5-18-12
Inc. #062865512


For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.