www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > May > HPD, GHLPA Join Together to Prevent Missing Children
Houston Police Department
HPD, GHLPA Join Together to Prevent Missing Children

May 3, 2012 - Houston police officers and members of the Greater Houston Loss Prevention Alliance (GHLPA) took time out of their schedules today (May 3) to fingerprint children and offer safety tips to shopping parents at Target on 2580 Shearn. 

Parents received a free child identification kit and an ink strip that allows them to fingerprint their children.  The kit (linked below) provides a place for parents to record their child's identifying characteristics and photo for future use.  The brochure also gives safety tips parents should teach their children and tips for parents to consider while away from home with their children. 

This event is part of the GHLPA's first annual "Child Safety Starts with YOU" campaign that includes weekly events focused on child safety.  Events for the remainder of the month are listed below. 

The GHLPA is comprised of a partnership between the HPD and seven major retailers throughout the city and includes HEB, Kroger, Randalls, Fiesta, Walmart, Target and Walgreens.  Photos of today's event are attached to this news release.

Additional events will be held on the following Thursday dates and locations:

May 10
10 a.m.
Walmart, 1118 Silber
Children left unattended in vehicles

May 17
10 a.m.
Kroger, 1505 Wirt Road
Child parking lot and shopping cart safety

May 24
10 a.m.
Walgreens, 5200 Westheimer
Prescription drug safety

Houston police officers and members of the Greater Houston Loss Prevention Alliance (GHLPA) took time out of their schedules today (May 3) to fingerprint children and offer safety tips to shopping parents at Target on 2580 Shearn.
Houston police officers and members of the Greater Houston Loss Prevention Alliance (GHLPA) took time out of their schedules today (May 3) to fingerprint children and offer safety tips to shopping parents at Target on 2580 Shearn.
Houston police officers and members of the Greater Houston Loss Prevention Alliance (GHLPA) took time out of their schedules today (May 3) to fingerprint children and offer safety tips to shopping parents at Target on 2580 Shearn.

JKS/JFC 5-3-12

For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.