www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > Mar > Police Chief: Fewer Complaints, More Commendations = Better Customer Service
Houston Police Department
Police Chief: Fewer Complaints, More Commendations = Better Customer Service

March 8, 2012 - Houston Police Chief Charles A. McClelland Jr. is lauding the efforts of his 5,300 officers after learning that citizens' complaints against HPD officers in 2011 decreased by 20% from the previous year.

In the same time frame, commendations given to officers from citizens rose drastically - by nearly 23% - to 1,233 citizen commendations.

With more than 1 million calls for police service and countless contacts with the public everyday, citizens filed just 243 complaints against officers compared to 356 citzens' complaints filed the previous year.

Chief McClelland elaborates on the significance of the decrease of citizen complaints (to 243) at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWUMmr2Q0h8

Chief McClelland applauds and credits the combined efforts of all - HPD officers and civilians, as well as the cooperation from the citizens of Houston -  for playing major roles in the six percent decrease in crimes in the city in 2011.

JFC/RLW   3-8-12

For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.