www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > Jun > Armed Suspect Charged in Incident at 2510 Beatty
Houston Police Department
Armed Suspect Charged in Incident at 2510 Beatty

June 13, 2012 - Charges have been filed against a suspect who fired shots in the direction of Houston police officers at 2510 Beatty about 12:05 a.m. on Tuesday (June 12).

The suspect, Jose Bustos Flores (H/m, DOB: 3-19-68), is charged with felony deadly conduct / discharging of a firearm in the 177th State District Court. A photo of Flores is attached to this news release.

Suspect Jose Bustos Flores

HPD Officer S. Grimes discharged his duty weapon in the incident. He nor anyone else was injured. Officer Grimes, assigned to the Special Operations Division, was sworn in as an officer in March 1998.

HPD Homicide Division Sergeants O. Chandler and R. Blain reported:

Two HPD officers were working an approved extra job at the Casitas Nuevas apartments at the above location when they heard several shots fired from afar. The officers were in the front of the complex when they saw a car and a truck driving toward them. The officers initially believed the truck may have been pursuing the car as a suspect (Flores) fired a weapon from the passenger side of the truck. The officers soon realized the bullets were directed toward them when the car entered the complex parking lot and the truck continued to travel in their direction. As the truck abruptly approached with gunfire continuing, one of the officers returned fire while seeking cover behind the patrol car. The vehicle passed the patrol car and entered the parking lot of an adjacent apartment complex. The officers retreated to their patrol car and followed the truck to conduct a felony vehicle stop. The driver of the vehicle was detained without incident, but the suspect passenger (Flores) of the vehicle refused to comply with officers' repeated commands to get on the ground. A struggle ensued between one of the officers and Flores. The officer was able to secure Flores with handcuffs. A pistol was recovered near the passenger side of the suspect's truck. Flores sustained a laceration during the physical altercation and was transported to the hospital, where he was treated and released and then transported to jail.

As is customary when an HPD officer discharges a weapon in the city limits, the incident is being investigated by the HPD Homicide and Internal Affairs Divisions.

JFC/VHS 6-13-12
Inc #074484712

For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.