www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > Jan > Suspect Arrested, Charged in Fatal Shooting at 6338 Micollet
Houston Police Department
Suspect Arrested, Charged in Fatal Shooting at 6338 Micollet

January 31, 2012 - Houston police have arrested a suspect charged in the fatal shooting of a man at 6338 Micollet about 3:30 a.m. on Jan. 13.

Debra Ann Norton (w/f, DOB: 2-23-66) is charged with murder in the 337th State District Court.  She is accused in the death of her common-law husband, Charles Brown, 47, of the above address, who suffered a gunshot wound to the head.

A photo of suspect Norton is attached to this news release.

HPD Homicide Division Sergeant K. McGray and Senior Police Officer T. Tyler reported:

On January 13, Norton shot her common-law husband, Mr. Brown.  Brown was transported to Ben Taub General Hospital where he died of his injuries two weeks later (Jan. 27).

Today (Jan. 31), Norton was charged in the Brown's death and was arrested without incident.

Debra NortonDebra Norton

JKS/JFC 1-31-12

Inc. #005306412


For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.