www.houstontx.gov > Police > Nr > 2012 > Feb > Suspect Charged in Shooting Incident at 8301 1/2 Allwood
Houston Police Department
Suspect Charged in Shooting Incident at 8301 1/2 Allwood

February 17, 2012 - Charges have been filed against a suspect wounded after pointing a shotgun at a Houston police officer at 8301 1/2 Allwood about 3:50 p.m. on Thursday (Feb. 16).

The suspect, Johnnell Elis Raglin (b/m, DOB: 5-26-42), is charged with aggravated assault against a public servant and possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance in the 180th State District Court.  Raglin suffered several gunshot wounds and was transported to Ben Taub General Hospital in stable condition.  No photo of Raglin is available at this time.

The HPD officer who discharged his weapon (carbine), C.W. Jones, Jr., was not injured.  Officer Jones, assigned to the HPD Narcotics Division, was sworn in as an officer in March 1998.

HPD Homicide Division Sergeant R. Richard and Officers M. Burrow and C. Cardenas reported:

HPD Narcotics officers, clad in clearly identified police raid gear,  were serving a narcotics search warrant at the above address.  The officers made forced entry through the front door and several times verbally announced themselves as police officers.  As members of the team were clearing the residence, they approached one of the bedrooms.  Officer Jones observed the door was slightly ajar and had a light on inside.  Officer Jones opened the door and verbally announced he was a police officer.  The suspect, Raglin, was standing inside the bedroom holding a shotgun.  Raglin then raised the shotgun and pointed it at Officer Jones.  Officer Jones, fearing for his safety and that of his fellow officers, fired his weapon several times, striking Raglin.

HPD officers then rendered first aid to Raglin and called for an ambulance, which transported him to the hospital.

As is customary in incidents in which an HPD officer discharges a weapon causing injury, the case is being investigated by the HPD Homicide and Internal Affairs Divisions as well as the Harris County District Attorney's Office.

KJS/JFC  2-17-12
Inc. #020191212

For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200.