POLICE Department
General Orders
The Houston Police Department General Orders are a collection of written orders of the Chief of Police that establish the policies and procedures of the Houston Police Department as authorized by the section 34-23 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances. Changes and exceptions to the General Orders may be made or approved by only the Chief of Police.
While most policies are posted in their entirety, some polices have been redacted. Sensitive material that could jeopardize the safety of the public, crime victims, and members of the Houston Police Department, or that could impede the officers’ ability to respond to critical incidents has been obscured for security purposes in line with rulings of the Office of the Attorney General. The department continually reviews and updates General Orders; therefore, there may be a delay in posting revised or new orders.
Series 100: Organization
100-06 Department Mission, Values, Ethics, and Guiding Principles
100-07 Standard Operating Procedures
Series 200: Administration
200-01 Requesting Legal Opinions
200-02 Employees Facing Legal Action
200-03 Investigation of Employee Misconduct
200-04 Assistance to Employees Involved in Critical Incidents
200-05 Employee Parking Regulations
200-11 Employee Integrity and Verifications Program
200-15 Employee Association Access
200-17 Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Procedures
200-18 Citizen Claims Against the City
200-19 Americans with Disabilities Act
200-20 Awards and Commendations
200-28 Officer Funerals and Ceremonial Honors
200-31 Smoking, Tobacco Use, and Electronic Cigarettes
200-33 Oath of Office and Promotional Oath
200-35 Speakers at Department Events
200-36 Solicitation, Gifts, and Bribery
200-41 Department Presence on Social Media and the Internet
Series 300: Personnel Management
300-01 Allocation of Positions
300-02 Transfer of Classified Employees
300-07 Overtime Compensation-Classified
300-08 Classified Employee Efficiency Rating
300-09 Absence from Duty-Classified
300-10 Transitional Duty Assignment
300-11 Discrimination, Harassment, and Other Prohibited Conduct
300-13 Separation and Reinstatement
300-15 Appearance and Grooming Standards
300-17 Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing
300-19 Physical Fitness and Agility Program
300-21 Communicable Disease Policy
300-25 Court Attendance and Compensation
300-26 Employee Representative Council
300-27 Standards of Productivity
300-30 Volunteering Time for Convalescing Officers
300-32 Processing Complaints and Employee Issues
300-34 Strategic Officer Staffing Program
300-36 Exempt Time Compensation and Exempt Time Credit
Series 400: Equipment and Uniforms
400-02 HPD Badges and Identification Cards
400-05 Firearms Qualification and Control
400-06 Carrying Concealed Firearms
400-07 Vehicle Use and Assignment
400-10 Unit and Radio Numbering
400-13 Acceptable Use of Computer Systems
400-14 Control of Police Department Property
400-15 Office Supplies and Office Copy Machines
400-18 Responsibility for City and Other Government Property
400-21 Mobile Computing Devices
400-22 Keys, Passwords, and Personal Identification Numbers
400-25 Acceptable Use of Computers
400-26 Conducted Energy Devices
400-27 Automated Vehicle Location System
400-29 Automated License Plate Recognition
Series 500: Arrest and Detention
500-01 Effecting Arrests and Searches
500-02 Handling and Transporting Prisoners and Other Persons
500-03 Guarding Prisoners at Area Hospitals
500-04 Driving While Intoxicated
500-05 Undocumented Immigrants
500-06 Juvenile and Young Adult Encounters
500-08 Required Booking Information and Procedures
500-10 Brady Michael Morton Act Disclosure Requirement
500-11 Publicly Intoxicated Persons
500-12 Response to Mental Health Incidents
500-13 Use of Interpreters and Translators
500-15 Contact with Representatives of Foreign Governments
500-16 Referral of Drivers for Re-examination by Licensing Authority
500-17 Transferring Prisoners in the Field
500-18 Traffic Violations by Legislators and Military Personnel
500-19 Warrant Service Procedures
500-20 Treatment of Prisoners, Suspects, and Other Citizens
Series 600: Operations
600-05 Special Threat Situations
600-07 Handling Dead Bodies Exposed to Public View
600-08 Missing, Kidnapped, and Found Persons
600-13 Texas Crime Victims’ Compensation Act
600-16 Confidential Informants and Other Sources of Information
600-18 Firearm and Soft-Impact Weapon Discharges
600-19 Police Headquarters Security
600-21 Public Recording of Police Activity
600-22 Feeding Employees During Emergency Situations and Department Mobilizations
600-23 Officers Signatures on State Motor Vehicle Forms
600-24 Deconflicting Covert and Narcotics Related Operations
600-27 Preliminary and Follow-Up Investigations
600-31 Burglar, Holdup, and Panic Alarms
600-33 Social Services Assistance and Referrals
600-34 High-Risk Vehicle Approaches
600-36 Bomb Threats, Explosive Devices, Explosions
600-39 Threats Against Employees, Family Members, Public Officials, and Special Events
600-40 Police Storefronts, Community Services, and Differential Response Teams
600-41 Weapons of Mass Destruction
600-42 Racial Profiling Prohibited
Series 700: Evidence Control
700-01 Property and Evidence Control Regulations
700-08 Asset Seizure and Forfeiture
700-09 Photograph and Lineup Identification Procedures
Series 800: Information and Records
800-03 Critical Incident Video Public Release
800-04 Reception and Dissemination of Criminal Intelligence Information
800-07 Criteria for Submitting Incident Reports
800-09 Official Document Archives
800-13 Collection and Dissemination of Police Service Information
Series 900: Civilian Personnel
900-01 Absence from Duty – Civilian
900-03 Employee Concern Resolution Program
900-07 Overtime Compensation – Civilian