POLICE Department
Vehicular Crimes
The Vehicular Crimes Division (VCD) is the department’s expert on motor vehicle crashes. It investigates catastrophic crashes and provides cadet and in‐service training in crash scene investigations. VCD is specifically tasked with investigating crashes with a criminal nexus, such as fatal crashes, Failure to Stop and Render Aid (FSRA) and Failure to Stop and Give Information (FSGI) accidents, as well as crashes involving HPD and HFD fleet vehicles. The division’s operational units include:
Crash Investigation, which responds and investigates catastrophic crashes;
Crash Reconstruction, which provides technical expertise for fatal crashes and all other vehicular crashes with a criminal nexus. This unit also provides the primary crash investigations instruction for the division and police academy cadet training; and
Hit and Run, which conducts on‐scene investigations for FSRA accidents and conducts follow‐up investigations on FSRA and FSGI accidents, as well as follow‐up investigations on property damage from hit and run collisions.