POLICE Department


The Houston Police Department has teamed together with the Texas Department of Transportation to reduce crashes and fatal crashes. This has been achieved through grant funding to provide for highway / roadway traffic enforcement.

Grant funding from the Texas Department of Transportation has played a significant role in the Traffic Enforcement Unit’s success in combating unsafe driving behavior of all motoring public. Grant funding has provided an additional field force of officers to monitor and enforce traffic safety laws on the roadways in the City of Houston.

Traffic Enforcement officers stop and cite violators for violations that have been shown to cause crashes and fatal crashes, such as:

  • Speeding
  • Following too closely
  • Failing to signal lane change
  • Driving in prohibited /restricted lane on freeways
  • Unsafe lane change
  • No seat belt use
  • Texting while driving
In addition, officers hold public interaction and educational meetings frequently at malls, schools, and sporting events. If you see us do not hesitate to stop by and ask public safety questions.