POLICE Department
Traffic Enforcement
The Traffic Enforcement Division’s works to protect the safety of the public by enforcing laws to curtail unsafe/illegal driving practices. Specific enforcement aims to detect impaired drivers and coordinate testing of persons arrested for driving while intoxicated. The enforcement of traffic laws with an eye towards accident prevention is the goal of the division. The division’s operational units include:
DWI Task Force, which works to detect and apprehend intoxicated drivers;
Highway Interdiction, a uniformed squad tasked with addressing the transportation of illegal narcotics;
Mobility Response Team, which responds to and mitigates significant non-freeway congestion due to unexpected events (e.g., signal malfunctions, crashes, roadway hazards, fire, and weather events;
Motorcycle Detail (Solos), which works to maintain the flow of traffic on Houston’s freeway system;
Radar Task Force, which works on Houston roadways to ensure the safe movement of commerce and residents;
Traffic Crimes Task Force, which works to locate and arrest individuals involved in street takeover groups and reckless driving behavior; and
Truck Enforcement Unit, conducts commercial
truck and motor coach safety inspections.