POLICE Department
Gang Division Tip Email: gang.division@houstonpolice.org or
The Gang Division is committed to reducing violent crime in the City of Houston through shared expertise, intelligence and manpower. To accomplish this goal, a task force was formed consisting of members from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Houston HIDTA, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Army National Guard, the Harris County Sheriff’s Department, and the Houston Police Department’s Gang, Homicide, Robbery, Major Offenders, Narcotics, and patrol divisions. The goal of this initiative is to arrest and prosecute targeted gang members in an effort to disrupt and dismantle their violent organizations. The strategy is to focus on investigations of violent crimes committed by gang members and proactively target individual gang leaders.
The mission of the Gang Division’s Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) is to deploy enforcement and investigative resources to address crime problems in specific areas experiencing high rate of narcotics activity, violent crime, and gang activity.
Report suspected gang activity/information to the Gang Division tip line:
Investigators check messages daily. All reports to the tip line are kept confidential.
Note: If you wish to be contacted by an investigator, you must leave your name and phone number on your phone message.
Should you need immediate assistance for a crime in progress, call 911.
Gang Division
Crime Reduction Unit
1200 Travis
Houston, Texas 77002