POLICE Department
Crime Statistics for 20G50's Beat
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Beat Description and Boundary:
The boundary begins at the intersection of Carlingford and MKT railroad tracks just north of the Katy Freeway (I-10) and goes east on the railroad tracks to the Hedwig City Limits. It turns south along the Hedwig City Limits and continues along the Bunker Hill City Limits and Piney Point City Limits to the Buffalo Bayou. The boundary follows the Bayou west to Rancho Bauer. It turns north on Rancho Bauer and goes to Memorial Drive. It turns east on Memorial Drive to Bateswood. It follows Bateswood to Pertshire. It turns northwest on Pertshire. Pertshire stops at the lot lines behind the corner of Woodthorpe and Carlingford. The boundary follows the west lot lines of Carlingford to the Katy Freeway, which is where it begins.
Landmarks and Neighborhoods Within This Beat:
Nottingham, Yorkshire, Wilchester, Town and Country Village, Memorial City Shopping Center
ZIP Codes Within This Beat (see note below on ZIP codes and beats):