POLICE Department
Crime Statistics for 12D50's Beat
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Beat Description and Boundary:
The boundary begins at the intersection of Highway 3 (Old Galvestion Road) and Ellington Air Force Base and goes east along the south property line of Ellington Air Force Base to the corner of the property, then north, and northeast. When the property line turns northwest, the boundary continues straight across the open space to the corner where the city limits turn south off of Genoa Red Bluff. It then follows the city limits south of Middlebrook and continues to follow the city limits along Middlebrook and Bay Area Boulevard. It continues to follow the city limits along the Bayou to the intersection of the city limits with NASA Space Center. The boundary follows the northwest property line of Nasa to Space Center Boulevard. It follows Space Center Boulevard to Pineloch. Space Center Boulevard is the responsiblity of 12D60. It then follows the lot lines on the northwest side of Pineloch to Old Galveston Road and the city limits. It follows the city limits along Old Galveston northest until the city limits turn south off of Gold Galveston Road. It continues to follow the lot lines on the northwest side of Pineloch to Old Galveston Road and the city limits. It follows the city limits along Old Galveston northwest until the city limits turn south off off Old Galveston Road. It continues to follow Old Galveston Road northwest to the intersection with Ellington Air Force Base, which is where it begins. Old Galveston Road is the responsibility of 12D40 and 12D60.
Landmarks and Neighborhoods Within This Beat:
Bay Glen, Bay Oaks, Brook Forest, Bay Forest
ZIP Codes Within This Beat (see note below on ZIP codes and beats):