POLICE Department
CPTED resource page
National Crime Prevention Council
- Houston CPTED Workshop slides.pdf
- CPTED Site Survey Worksheet.docx
- NCPC Resources: https://www.ncpc.org/resources/home-neighborhood-safety/
- Best Practices for using CPTED in Weed and Seed Sites.pdf
General CPTED Resources
- CPTED - It's More than just Lighting SLIDEDECK from Choice Neighborhoods Conference 2016.PDF
- CPTED and Community Policing - NIJ report 1996.pdf
- CPTED and Premise Liability - NIJ report 1996.pdf
- CPTED and the social city - the future of capacity building.pdf
- Creating Defensible Space - HUD 1996.pdf
- SafeGrowth - Creating Safety and Sustainability through Community Building and Urban Design.pdf
- Third Generation CPTED research article.pdf
- Using CPTED in Problem Solving - COPS Problem Solving Guide 8.pdf
CPTED Assessment Checklists
- CPTED_checklist-Hagerstown_MD.xlsx
- CPTED Home Checklist - Branson MO.pdf
- CPTED School Assessment - CDC.pdf
- Sample Business Security Survey - Manchester CT.doc
- Sample Home Security Survey - Manchester CT.doc
CPTED Resources for Specific Property Types
- CPTED for Transit Facilities.pdf
- CPTED in Parking Facilities - NIJ.pdf
- CPTED School Assessment - CDC.pdf
- Improving Storefronts - LISC.pdf
- Solving Crime Problems in Residential Neighborhoods - Comprehensive Changes in Design Management and Use.pdf
- visibility maintained - for convenience stores.pdf
Lighting Information
- Lighting Plan Guidelines.pdf
- Lighting Principles and CPTED - Mesa AZ.pdf
- recommended - footcandles.pdf
Planting Information
Houston Tree & Shrub Ordinance (and associated resources): http://www.houstontx.gov/planning/DevelopRegs/tree_shrub.html
Outstanding Shrubs for Texas (Aggie Horticulture): https://aggie-hort.tamu.edu/extension/xeriscape/table4.html
- CPTED Plant List.pdf
- Tree Planting Guide Booklet.pdf
- Houston native plant guide.pdf
- Native and Adopted Plants for Houston.pdf
- grass weed and wildflower guide - TXDOT.pdf
Information About Specific Types of Crime
- Dealing with Crime and Disorder in Urban Parks - COPS Problem Solving Guide 9.pdf
- Graffiti - COPS Guide.pdf
- Panhandling - COPS Guide.pdf
Other Crime Prevention Resources
TEDEd: Vision-Based Asset Mapping: https://ed.ted.com/on/7CO35v8P
TEDEd: SafeGrowth – Crime & the 21st Century City: https://ed.ted.com/on/ZQ3gotP1
Collective Impact Forum: https://collectiveimpactforum.org/
- Building Our Way Out of Crime - A Policymakers Guide.pdf
- Building Our Way Out of Crime - The Providence RI Case Study.pdf
- Building Our Way Out of Crime - The Transformative Power of Police - Community Developer Partnerships.pdf
- Building Sustainable Communities.pdf
- Catalyst for Collaboration - Roles of a Safety Coordinator.pdf
- Concept Intro - Collective Efficacy - LISC.pdf
- Concept Intro - Community Engagement - LISC.pdf
- Connecting Crime Reduction and Neighborhood Revitalization - LISC.pdf
- Creative Placemaking and Community Safety.pdf
- Creativity and Community Action.pdf
- Empowering Young People to Make thier Place - Case Study of Marcus Garvey Youth Clubhouse.pdf
- Leveraging Code Enforcement for Neighborhood Safety.pdf
- Partnering with Businesses to Address Public Safety Problems - COPS Guide.pdf
- Place People Police - The Effects of Place - Centric Crime Reduction Efforts in 3 Neighborhoods.pdf
- Planning for Sustainability.pdf
- The Power and Proximity of Code Enforcement - a Tool for Equitable Neighborhoods.pdf
- The Safety Organizer - LISC.pdf
- Trauma Informed Community Building.pdf