POLICE Department
HPD Vendor Certification
Thank you for your interest in working with the Houston Police Department to enhance the services we provide to the citizens of our great city. The Houston Police Department recognizes that by allowing physical or logical (electronic) access to HPD facilities or network resources, people may gain access to information or systems they are statutorily prohibited from accessing. In compliance with state and federal regulations, the Houston Police Department is required to document and investigate access requests to be sure access is necessary and legally sound.
Listed below are links identified with a corresponding icon that provides information regarding the different types of printable forms and CJIS requirements. Please ensure all the required form(s) are legible and thoroughly completed in black ink or via computer and submitted at the same time. Also note the difference between physical only access and physical and logical (electronic) access when selecting the forms, the requirements are different. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact your project manager, vendor sponsor or the Houston Police Department's CJIS Compliance Unit via e-mail CCU@houstonpolice.org or call 832-394-4880.
The Houston Police Department (HPD) requires the original signed forms to be submitted through the project manager or through a CJIS liaison assigned by the city department heading the project at HPD. Documents may be delivered in person, mail, or delivery service to:
CJIS Compliance Unit
Houston Permitting Center 1002 Washington Ave. Houston, TX 77002
In order to meet contract timelines it is necessary for project managers to ensure non-police personnel scheduled to conduct services within HPD facilities or secured areas within other buildings are CJIS Compliant.
As a reminder, some of the documents contained on this site are considered sensitive in nature and have a Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) designation. Improper disclosure of these documents could affect the conduct of government programs, impair law enforcement activities, or violate the privacy of individuals. Therefore, contractors and noncriminal justice agencies ensure the submission of documents is through a secured method and receipt of such documents is verified with the CJIS Compliance Unit.
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The following forms must be submitted for each company or vendor that will be accessing HPD facilities or HPD network environments. Only one form must be completed for each company or vendor employee:
(The forms below are in .pdf unless otherwise indicated. Click each icon to access the forms)
Security Addendum - A multi-page packet required for each vendor to complete if not included in previously entered contracts. The addendum is required by vendors only if employees need "Unescorted" physical or logical access to police facilities, network data systems or secured areas where Criminal Justice Information (CJI) may be accessible. The Security Addendum packet must be completed in a timely manner in order to file with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) CJIS Security Committee BEFORE employees are allowed to work "Unescorted" in secured areas where CJI may be transmitted, processed or stored. The approval process could take several weeks to finalize, so please plan accordingly.
Contractor Employee Reference Documentation - Code of Federal Regulations Title 28, Part 20 - Criminal Justice Information Systems. A copy of the referenced document must be afforded to every employee included within the CJIS Security Addendum packet whereby a "Certification Sheet" is submitted
Contractor Employee Reference Documentation NCIC2000 Manual - National Crime Information Center (NCIC) System 2000 introduction, system description, policies, standards, and sanctions for non-compliance. A copy of the referenced document must be afforded to every employee included within the CJIS Security Addendum packet, whereby a "Certification Sheet" is submitted.
CJIS Security Policy - The essential premise of the CJIS Security Policy is to provide appropriate controls to protect the full lifecycle of Criminal Justice Information (CJI), whether at rest or in transit. The CJIS Security Policy provides guidance for the creation, viewing, modification, transmission, dissemination, storage, and destruction of CJI data. This policy applies to every individual—contractor, private entity, noncriminal justice agency representative, or member of a criminal justice entity—with access to or who operate in support of, criminal justice services and information.
Contractor Employee Reference Documentation - Texas Government Code 411.083 thru 411.085 pertaining to unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of criminal history record information. A copy of the referenced document must be afforded to every employee included within the CJIS Security Addendum packet, whereby a "Certification Sheet" is submitted.
Applicant Criminal Record Qualifications - A single page document showing the disqualifiers for physical Unescorted Access or any Logical Access to the Houston Police Department (HPD), facilities or network. In reviewing the document, all non-HPD personnel will use the left column to determine arrest criteria. When a background is conducted, criteria used in determining CJIS compliance will come from this documentation. In the case of Escorted Access the CJIS Compliance criteria is determined by Felony Convictions and Open Warrants only. Indicated appeals for "Class B" convictions to DPS come from the Chief of Police, not the contractor. Do not request appeals without first coming through the CJIS Compliance office.
Security Addendum Certification Form - Each employee performing work under a security addendum must complete a security addendum certification form. Prior to commencing on-site work, your project manager or vendor sponsor must coordinate with the HPD CJIS Compliance Unit to ensure contract employees are vetted accordingly through the HPD Employee Services Division. CJIS vetting involves national fingerprint based- background checks to ensure contractors with "Unescorted" access to areas where CJI is accessible meet the Texas CJIS Systems Access policy.
Additional forms to be completed and submitted along with the employee "Security Addendum Certification Sheet."
Authorization for Release of Personal Information - Any person performing work at the Houston Police Department or buildings where HPD terminals process, transmit or store criminal justice information must consent to having their criminal history record reviewed. This form must be signed by a witness who can attest to the authenticity of your signature.
TCIC/NCIC Criminal Justice Practitioner's Training Acknowledgement Form - Each employee performing work at the Houston Police Department or need "unescorted" access to secured areas where criminal justice information is accessible must complete the minimum TCIC/NCIC training. For employees outside the Houston area that need access into HPD networks the video may be watched on-line TCIC-NCIC Practitioner English Video The link will open a new window that will run the video. Once the employee has completed watching the video, they are required to complete the Practitioner's 2-Hour Video Acknowledgement Form and turn it in with their packet.
CJIS Security Awareness Training Acknowledgement Form - Persons authorized to have direct access to CJIS-regulated data, such as criminal history information, or computer systems than interact directly with CJIS-regulated data must undergo Security Awareness training as designated by the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Compliance Office.
Training is offered by way of this HPD audio video titled, "CJIS Security Awareness." The Houston Police Department provides the training video if such training is not available through your company. The project manager or vendor sponsor can arrange the Security Awareness Training viewing on-site, if necessary. In all cases, a signed CJIS Security Awareness Training Acknowledgement Form must be submitted attesting completion of the training before any type of computer or IT related access is granted. Security Awareness Training is mandated every two years by the Federal Government. Security Awareness training sponsored and completed outside of the Houston Police Department may be audited by the Federal Government CJIS office.
Identification Information Form (CJIS) - Non-police personnel included as participants of a signed CJIS Security Addendum by signing a "Certification Sheet" must also complete this form. The form is maintained by the HPD Identification Division along with your fingerprint cards.
Valid driver’s license or valid government-issued identification card - Each employee performing work under a security addendum must submit one (1) legible copy of their valid driver’s license or valid government-issued identification card. Please note that the address of your residence must be current and correct.
Two (2) state approved (Texas) Fingerprint Cards - Each employee performing work under a security addendum must provide two (2) fingerprint cards. One set of prints will be retained by the Houston Police Department and the second set is forwarded to the Texas Department of Public Safety CJIS Compliance Office. Fingerprints must be processed by a local law enforcement agency in order to qualify for submission to the state via the Houston Police Department. Provide the two (2) fingerprint cards to your company project manager for submission to the Houston Police Department CJIS Compliance Unit.
In addition to the forms listed above, the following forms must be submitted for each company or vendor employee that will be accessing HPD facilities or network environments via logical (remote) access methods:
City of Houston Security Clearance Remote Access form - Each employee performing work under a security addendum that is requesting remote access by way of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or some other method must submit a complete and legible copy of this two-page form to the HPD CJIS Compliance Unit. Failure to submit this form could result in a delay in your ability to access the HPD network.
HPD Network Remote Access Agreement Documentation-Each employee performing work under a security addendum in a way that will utilize any remote access method to interact with the Houston Police Department's computer systems must review this documentation to understand the liabilities and restrictions involved with the connection.
Non-HPD Personnel Logical System Access Form - This one-page form is necessary so the Houston Police Department can establish the proper security information to gain remote access to the police department's computer systems and networks. If multiple employees are requiring remote access, every employee that requires access must complete this form. The Houston Police Department reserves the right to audit remote access network connections for compliance and may reject or revoke connections from individuals that are not compliance. Submit a complete and legible copy of this form. Please carefully read the form as signing it signifies that you are aware of and will comply with the requirements it contains.
Applicant/Contractor Consent and Authorization to Retain Fingerprints – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) retain fingerprints to provide notification to agencies of future events to the criminal history record at the state and national level. In order for each applicant to participate in the Fingerprint-based Applicant Clearinghouse of Texas (FACT and “Rap Back” notification services), each applicant is required to fill out this document prior to being fingerprinted or having a copy of fingerprints submitted to the DPS and FBI by the Houston Police Department (HPD). This document will be kept on file by HPD in the event of an audit by DPS or FBI.