Transportation Planning

Transportation Planning is the analysis, forecasting and the development of alternatives for moving people and goods. The Transportation Planning process involves evaluating and assessing existing conditions; identifying problems and constraints; forecasting local and regional growth; prioritizing needs; developing short and long range plans and strategies; estimating the impact of these proposed improvements; and developing a fiscal plan to implement them.

Houston's regional population is projected to increase by 50% to 4.3 million residents by 2035 according to the Houston-Galveston Area Council. The increase in population and continued growth of Houston results in challenges to Houston's mobility. The Planning Department works in partnership with numerous public and private agencies and with multiple departments within the City to analyze, evaluate, and address mobility issues in Houston and its extra-territorial jurisdiction.

The Planning Department’s Transportation Group is responsible for the Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan (the City’s and its ETJ long range transportation plan). It also supports the development of City’s Transportation Policy and Regulations, provides technical support to the City’s Transportation Advisory Committee and maintains the City’s Travel Demand Model. It coordinates with the Houston-Galveston Area Council and other transportation agencies within the region and pursues federal funding opportunities for transportation planning studies and public-private partnerships.

Major Thoroughfare & Freeway Plan
City Mobility Planning
Complete Streets
Consolidated Transportation Planning
Urban Corridor Planning/Transit Corridor Ordinance
I-69: Driven by Texans
Livable Centers Studies
Planning Studies - Reports

Consolidated Transportation Planning

A number of agencies within the City of Houston corporate limits plan, operate, maintain and implement transportation projects. Some of these agencies include City of Houston, Harris and Fort Bend County, TxDOT, METRO, Port of Houston, H-GAC, Management Districts, TIRZ’s, Freight Operators, Municipal Utility Districts, etc. However there is no centralized information source to identify these ongoing plans, programs, or projects. Sharing information would allow the City and the region to identify opportunities to leverage resources and better prioritize investment within our community.

The goal is to develop a GIS based online application that would identify planned, proposed or ongoing transportation planning, design, operational, maintenance and implementation projects within the City of Houston. Agencies that have GIS data or share the information in a similar format can be viewed through this application.
For more information click here

I-69: Driven by Texans

The Texas Transportation Commission created the I-69 Corridor Advisory Committee and Corridor Segment Committees to assist the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in the transportation planning process of the I-69 Corridor. Through Houston US 59 will become I-69 with a planned bypass route servicing the deepwater ports in the Houston area. Much of US 59 already conforms to interstate standards.

There are five I-69 Segment Committees appointed by and representing local communities along the I-69 route. The Planning Department represents the City on Segments 2 and 3 advisory committees.
For more information click here.