Houston Office of Preservation

Landmarks and Protected Landmarks

Protected Landmarks and Landmarks are historic properties that have been officially recognized by the City of Houston for their outstanding historical, cultural, or architectural significance. There are currently over 35 Landmarks and 192 Protected Landmarks in the city. Protected Landmarks and Landmarks are mostly not in historic districts but can be. You can find a list of City of Houston's Landmarks and Protected Landmarks here: https://www.houstontx.gov/planning/HistoricPres/landmarks.html or you can research it using our map by typing in the address. https://mycity.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4186ac22827945ad849c93174a571b18.

Why apply for Local Protected Landmark or Landmark status?
Local landmark status protects resources in the following ways: Any building design, alterations, additions, and maintenance to the building, structure, or site must follow the City of Houston Historic Preservation Ordinance. This designation does not provide significant protection from demolition or in an appropriate alteration.

Protected Landmark designation provides significant protection against demolition in perpetuity. PLM are eligible to be nominated as Significant Buildings.

Protected Landmark or Landmark designation does not affect the use of a property.

What is the difference between Protected Landmarks & Landmarks?

Landmark Benefits Graphic

Click here for more information on Historic Site exemptions.

What is eligible for landmark status?
A building, structure, or site may receive local landmark designation if it meets at least one of the following criteria in Section 33-224. Criteria for Designation.

(A) The HAHC, in making recommendations with respect to the designation, and the city council, in making a designation, shall consider one or more of the following criteria, as appropriate for the type of designation:

  1. Whether the building, structure, object, site, or area possesses character, interest, or value as a visible reminder of the development, heritage, and cultural and ethnic diversity of the city, state, or nation;
  2. Whether the building, structure, object, site, or area is the location of a significant local, state or
  3. Whether the building, structure, object, site, or area is identified with a person who, or group or an event that contributed significantly to the cultural or historical development of the city, state, or nation;
  4. Whether the building or structure or the buildings or structures within the area exemplify a particular architectural style or building type important to the city;
  5. Whether the building or structure or the buildings or structures within the area are the best remaining examples of an architectural style or building type in a neighborhood;
  6. Whether the building, structure, object or site or the buildings, structures, objects or sites within the area are identified as the work of a person or group whose work has influenced the heritage of the city, state, or nation;
  7. Whether specific evidence exists that unique archaeological resources are present;
  8. Whether the building, structure, object, or site has value as a significant element of community sentiment or public pride. Sections 33-229. Criteria for protected landmark designation

(B) Meets at least three of the criteria for designation in Sections 33-224 of this Code A

  1. Was constructed more than 100 years before the application for designation was received by the director;
  2. Is listed individually or as a contributing structure in a historic district on the National Register of Historic Places; or
  3. Is recognized by the State of Texas as a Recorded State Historical Landmark

How does a historic resource receive a designation of historic landmark?
Designation as a historic landmark requires approval by HAHC and City Council. The property owner must be in support of the designation and sign the application. To start the process, request a meeting with the City's historic planner. You can view or download the Designation Application Form here.

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