Tower Commission

Announcement: Beginning in May, all proceedings of the Tower Commission will be conducted in person only.

All meetings will adhere to previously stated schedule and location, but there will no longer be a virtual Microsoft TEAMS option available for the public to join or address the Commission. Anyone wanting to provide comments may continue to do so in person or via email, phone or mail. To watch a live broadcast, please visit

Commission Meetings

City Hall Annex Council Chamber, 900 Bagby Street, Public Level, Houston Texas
Monday, July 22nd, 2024, 3:30 p.m

Call to Order
Secretary's Report

A. Consideration of the March 25th, 2024 Tower Commission Meeting Minutes

B. Public hearing and consideration of waiver requests:

  1. 24-T-0763 8197 2/3 Broadway Street
    28‐524(h) & (b) Allow construction of a tower within 1,000' of an existing tower and to allow a tower to be located with a residential test area
  2. B. 24-T-0764 8109 2/3 Creekbend Drive
    28‐524(g) Allow construction of a tower in a residential setback area
  3. 23-T-0761 23705 2/3 Fairlake Lane
    28‐524(g) Allow construction of a tower in a residential setback area “Fallzone”.

C. Public Comment

D. Adjournment

The Tower Commission reserves the right to convene in Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Gov’t Code Chapter 551, under any applicable exception thereto, including but not limited to Sec. 551.071, Consultation with Attorney.

Note: Scheduled meetings are held only if there is a posted agenda.

Public Comments

The public may address the Tower Commission on agenda items. Please submit comments or sign up to speak at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. All comments are made part of the public meeting record.

  • Submit comments on an item via email to
  • You may also call the tower staff at 832-393-6624. A staff member will take your comments, which will be read and included in the public record.
  • Speakers will be called on in the order of sign up and can speak for two minutes. See agenda for speaker guidelines.


If you have materials or graphic information for the Tower Commission to consider, submit it via email to 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting for it to be included in the final agenda packet.

About the Commission

The Tower Commission, a seven-member board, considers requests for waivers and tower permit applications which are protested by affected property owners, associations or groups, according to requirements in Chapter 28, Sections 521 to 543.

Tower Commission meetings take place at 3:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each month, when required. Email to confirm the next meeting date and agenda items.

PDF Tower Application - Information & Reference Guide

PDFParking Facility

Commission Members

  • Rob Todd, Chair
  • Bobby De La Rosa
  • Yulanda Campbell
  • John Melcher
  • Linda Smith
  • Asim Tufail
  • Jennifer Ostlind, Secretary

Tower Commission Meeting Minutes

2024 | February 26 | March 25

HTV’s Tower Commission audio recordings

Tower Commission Audio Recordings