Planning & Development Directory

Department Divisions:

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • Larry Nierth, Assistant Director, 832.393.6567
  • GIS Hotline/Order a map 832.393.6555

GIS is a computer system capable of capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information or data. The Planning and Development Department has developed an enterprise level GIS to serve the City of Houston. The goal of the GIS division is to serve the geographic information system and geospatial needs of the City of Houston across departments, staff, and residents.

Management Services

  • Roger Hamilton, Chief Financial Officer, 832-393-6546

Management Services manages the day-to-day operations and provides administrative support for the Department including purchasing, payroll, personnel services, accounting, and budgeting. Management Services also includes the Director’s Office and the Public Affairs Office.

Development Services

  • Dipti Mathur, Deputy Assistant Director, 832.393.6560
  • Planner of the Day 832.393.6624

The Development Services Division reviews subdivision plats submitted for consideration at upcoming Planning Commission meetings for compliance with Houston’s land development ordinance, Chapter 42. Staff also reviews development site plans for compliance with Chapter 42, parking regulations and the tree and shrub regulations. The Division reviews applications for the locations of certain type of development such as hotel/motels, hazardous material storage facilities, and cellular towers.

Transportation Planning

  • Lynn Henson, Division Manager 832.393.6548

The Transportation Division ensures the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the City’s transportation systems. The Transportation Division directs comprehensive transportation planning and coordination. Within this capacity, the Transportation staff diligently manages interagency collaboration, actively engaging with Houston Public Works (HPW), Harris County Metropolitan Transit Authority (METRO), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Harris County, and the Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA), among others. Through strategic coordination and collaborative efforts, the Division endeavors to shape transportation infrastructure and initiatives to foster sustainable development, bolster economic growth within the region, and enhance the quality of life for our residents.

Community and Regional Planning

  • Lynn Henson, Planning Manager, 832.393.6548

The Community and Regional Planning Division works to sustain the long term viability and character of communities through programs such as minimum building line and lot size program, prohibited yard parking and Houston Office of Preservation (HOP) program. The Division addresses issues of growth through annexation policies and other related activities. Community Sustainability is responsible for demographic analysis.


Planning and Development Department, 611 Walker, 6th Floor, Houston, TX 77002-4903

Mailing Address:

City of Houston
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, TX 77251-1562