Grow responsibly


Houston is located in one of the fastest growing regions in the country. In order to sustain the City’s vitality, the City must balance the benefits of growth with the need to protect existing neighborhoods.  The City should coordinate development with transportation and infrastructure investments. Finally, the City should encourage growth that supports the economy and quality of life.


  • Engage with the community to identify local needs and pursue neighborhood goals. 
  • Enhance tools that protect and preserve neighborhoods.
  • Anticipate growth and plan for it, ensuring that infrastructure and services accommodate growth. 
  • Adopt policies supporting existing and future activity centers that enable a combination of live, work and play options.
  • Support community investment in public transit and adopt policies that coordinate transit with supporting land development.
  • Encourage development of a transportation network that considers all modes of transportation and context sensitive design principles.
  • Maintain transportation and infrastructure plans. 
  • Encourage targeted development and redevelopment that support the City’s vitality.

Related Goals: