A successful city should help provide access to quality housing for people of all income levels. Houston should sustain its historic affordability by encouraging mixed-income neighborhoods and enhancing access to quality affordable housing options.
- Develop and maintain a comprehensive housing policy to support access to quality, well-maintained, and affordable housing.
- Adopt housing policies that support underdeveloped communities while also encouraging housing opportunities in high-opportunity areas.
- Ensure that affordable housing is connected to the community and its services.
- Provide options to make affordable, workforce and mixed-income housing development more attractive to private investment.
- Support opportunities to improve affordability of targeted services based on need.
- Provide incentives to replace affordable housing units lost through redevelopment and neglect.
- Leverage external funds and incentives to build additional affordable housing.
- Encourage mixed-income communities.
- Work with external organizations to ensure permanent supportive housing is available for the homeless.
- Ensure regulatory policies support housing affordability.
Related Goals:
- Equitable access to opportunity and prosperity
- Attractive, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods with diverse housing types, values, and character
- High-quality community facilities that provide for the diverse needs of residents
- A city that enables healthy, active lifestyles and social well-being
- Sufficient quality, affordable housing options throughout the community