Mobility is a chief interest for Houstonians. Houston’s rapid growth, however, presents an ongoing transportation challenge. Supporting Houston’s growth while preserving quality of life requires increasing reliance on creative transportation solutions. These solutions should include safe and efficient roadways, an effective transit system, and activity centers with housing, jobs and services.
- Develop and maintain a comprehensive mobility plan.
- Encourage compact, pedestrian-friendly development around transit.
- Support a well-connected transportation network that includes transit, bicycle and pedestrian options.
- Work with partner agencies to increase transit ridership among all Houstonians.
- Maintain a citywide plan for bicycling.
- Maintain a parking strategy that supports economic development, protects neighborhoods, and achieves vibrant, walkable activity centers.
- Enhance access to affordable transportation options.
- Coordinate with partner agencies on regional transportation solutions.
- Attractive, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods with diverse housing types, values, and character
- A city that enables healthy, active lifestyles and social well-being
- Vibrant and connected activity centers
- An affordable, multi-modal transportation network providing convenient access and mobility throughout the region for people and goods
- Ample, efficient, and well-maintained infrastructure
- Active regional cooperation and collaboration among governments, community leaders, and residents