The City communicates with Houstonians every day as a means to inform, educate, and listen. The City should strengthen its ability to connect to diverse audiences and provide convenient ways for people to find accurate information quickly. Further, the City should engage in a dialogue with its residents in order to develop policies that reflect the interests of the community.
- Provide information to the public in formats they can use and understand.
- Leverage technology effectively to engage the community.
- Develop and maintain a comprehensive citywide public engagement policy.
- Use public engagement to better understand community needs and interests in order to develop sound public policy.
- Use metrics to gauge success in achieving community goals.
- Enable individuals with diverse backgrounds to fully participate in City activities.
- Partner with surrounding communities to provide seamless regional communication.
Related Goals:
- Engaged and informed residents
- Strong social ties supported by social, civic, and faith organizations
- An integrated community that reflects our cultural diversity and heritage
- A diverse, welcoming culture that is celebrated and respected
- Attractive, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods with diverse housing types, values, and character
- Inviting and accessible parks and public spaces that provide recreation experiences, respect the environment, and connect people and places
- Fiscally responsible, accountable, and responsive public services and civic investments
- Active regional cooperation and collaboration among governments, community leaders, and residents