Houston is a unique and exciting city. The City should reinforce and highlight its distinctive elements, including areas of character and identity, historic resources, arts, special attractions, and events.
- Maintain a plan for supporting arts and culture.
- Seek additional means to support and promote arts and culture organizations locally and internationally.
- Ensure that all Houstonians have access to art and culture attractions.
- Celebrate Houston’s past and present diversity and culture through City activities, events and publications.
- Encourage and support attractive public spaces and roadways.
- Preserve historic resources.
Related Goals:
- Engaged and informed residents
- Strong social ties supported by social, civic, and faith organizations
- An integrated community that reflects our cultural diversity and heritage
- Beautiful streetscapes and public spaces
- A community that respects its history
- Unique and internationally-recognized cultural and entertainment opportunities
- A thriving local arts and creative community