This page lists all of the topics and goals of the City of Houston General Plan.
- Equal access to opportunity and prosperity
- Engaged and informed residents
- Strong social ties supported by social, civic, and faith organizations
- Affordable, high-quality health care for all
- Supportive services for disadvantaged and at-risk groups
- An integrated community that reflects our international heritage
- A diverse, welcoming culture that is celebrated and respected
- A safe, secure community
- Attractive, walkable neighborhoods with diverse housing types, values, and character
- Inviting and accessible parks and public spaces that provide recreation experiences, respect the environment, and connect people and places
- Beautiful streetscapes and public spaces
- Vibrant, enjoyable activity centers
- High-quality community facilities that provide for the diverse needs of residents
- A city that enables healthy, active lifestyles, and social well-being
- Sufficient quality, affordable housing options throughout the community
- A community that respects our history