General Plan Press Release

HOUSTON, August 4, 2014 – The City of Houston launched a new era in planning this week with the kickoff for the General Plan. The approach for preparing a general plan builds on existing plans, studies, policies, practices and regulations that make Houston a prosperous, healthy and sustainable city.

The Houston Planning Commission will lead the process to create a General Plan for the city of Houston.  A subcommittee of the Commission will serve as the Steering Committee for this effort which is slated to conclude by the summer of 2015. Mayor Annise D. Parker also named a General Plan Stakeholder Committee that consists of members of organizations representing a broad number of interests and community members representing Houston’s diverse neighborhoods. This committee will provide information for the content of the plan and feedback on the plan’s components.

“Houston is constantly changing and growing. We have to have a better way to plan for that growth,” said Mayor Annise D. Parker. “A general plan will allow us to better coordinate our resources, create opportunities for innovative partnerships and provide a path to achieving our goals.”

The goal of the General plan is to create a citywide vision and create collaboration across city departments, address projected growth and finds new and better approaches to manage projected growth, create continuity across changes in city leadership and create a strategic regional vision necessary for Houston to fully realize global opportunity and potential.