Department of Neighborhoods
Social Media Library
The Department of Neighborhoods manages and partners with several programs that allow residents to engage in their community or area of interest throughout the year. Find opportunities where you can make a difference in your neighborhood here!
City of Houston Social Media Library
Find all of the city of Houston departments on social media at www.houstontx.gov/socialmedia.
Mobile Apps
Houston 311
The City of Houston launched its 311 Houston Service Helpline, the three-digit phone number, accessible from within the Houston city limits. It’s a consolidated call center designed to make city government more user-friendly and responsive to city residents by providing citizens with a one telephone number to call for information on city services and to report non-emergency concerns. From outside the City of Houston, callers simply dial 713-837-0311. Agents are available 24/7 to answer your calls. Houstonians can also access this helpful service via fax to 713-837-0210, and e-mail to 311@HoustonTX.gov. A self Service Request (SR) form is available online at www.houston311.org or by using our 311 smart phone app which can be installed by clicking the link or by scanning the barcode that are located on this page.
Tweet My Jobs Houston
A super neighborhood is a geographically designated area where residents, civic organizations, institutions and businesses work together to identify, plan, and set priorities to address the needs and concerns of their community. This creates a manageable framework for community action and allows the City to provide services more efficiently.
Houston Public Library
Houston Public Library (HPL) is a dynamic organization that serves one of the largest service areas – both population and area – in the country. More than 2 million residents in the City of Houston are the primary beneficiaries of a comprehensive customer-focused service delivery strategy. The HPL system is comprised of 44 public service units including 31 Neighborhood Libraries, four Regional Libraries, three Special Collection Libraries and four Express Libraries, the HPL Mobile Express and a satellite library located at the Children’s Museum of Houston. Our flagship facility, Central Library, located in downtown Houston, anchors this constellation of service points.
Support Local Grow Together (#SLGT) is a movement to ensure the future of Houston's local artists, farmers markets, musicians, restaurants, small businesses, and non-profits. When you download this app and join the #SLGT community, you will be able to search through listings and maps of local businesses and non-profit micro-enterprise initiatives. Our goal is to connect people who want to support local businesses to non-profit initiatives that guide residents and families toward greater financial stability.
Metro Trip
MetroTrip helps you to plan your trip, METRO offers a convenient tool, Trip Planner. Please remember, this is only one tool to help plan your trip. We have customer representatives who can help you over the phone. Call 713.635.4000. Their hours are Monday – Friday, 6 a.m. to midnight and Saturday – Sunday, 8 a.m. to midnight.
Texas.gov provides portal and payment services for Texas state agencies and other governmental customers to cost-effectively conduct business with their citizens. Texas.gov reduces time to market for government entities by eliminating the need for a costly and complex procurement process while delivering applications and technologies that meet or surpass state and federal requirements for security, accessibility, and - where needed - integration with USAS.
Citizenship Works
In recognition of the fact that the needs and rights of people with disabilities are of vital concern to the City of Houston, the Houston Commission on Disabilities was created in 1993. The 12 members of the Commission are appointed by the mayor and subject to City Council confirmation. The Commission is responsible for advising and making recommendations to the mayor, City Council, department directors and the individual designated by the mayor to head the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities.
CNP Outages
The CenterPoint Energy Electric Mobile Outage Tracker provides approximate locations of current power outages. The Mobile Outage Tracker is available for iPhone/iPad, Android.
Red Cross (Hurricane and First Aid)
The American Red Cross Greater Houston Area Chapter provides four main services: Disaster Relief and Preparedness, assistance for Military Personnel and their families, Health and Safety Courses and Transportation. For large and small disasters, the Red Cross meets the immediate needs of victims: shelter, food, bedding, clothing and sometimes essential medications and medical equipment. All Disaster Assistance is free. The Red Cross also provides disaster preparedness education to the community and businesses.
USPS Mobile
USPS Mobile gives you instant, on-the-go access to the most popular tools on USPS.com. Track a package, find Post Offices and collection boxes, and look up ZIP Codes anywhere you go. With both the mobile app and the mobile web, you'll be able to use GPS-based Post Office Location service to find retail Post Offices, Self-Service Kiosks, Approved Postal Providers, Pickup Service Locations, and Collection Boxes nearby.
iWatch Harris County
iWatchHarrisCounty is a virtual crime watch program that empowers citizens across the county to report suspicious behaviors or activities by turning in tips as text messages and emails with image and video attachments, and phone calls directly to the HCSO from almost any mobile phone or PC. Citizens can remain anonymous or may choose to disclose their identity.
Congress by the Sunlight Foundation
The Sunlight Foundation is a nonprofit organization]that was founded in April 2006 with a goal of increasing transparency and accountability in the United States Congress, the executive branch, and in state and local governments. The foundation's primary focus is the role of money in politics, and it advocates for policy changes to build a more open government, it builds technological tools to increase the participation of citizens in government, and it conducts original reporting on accountability and other open government issues.
My Houston Water
The City of Houston Public Works and Engineering Department provides many of the basic services that affect the daily lives of everyone who lives and works in Houston. Primarily, the department is responsible for all the things we take for granted on a daily basis: the administration, planning, maintenance, construction management and technical engineering of the City's infrastructure. This includes the production and distribution of over 146 billion gallons of water per year and the treatment of over 90 billion gallons per year of wastewater. That is enough to fill the Astrodome four times per day with fresh water and over twice per day with wastewater.
Houston B-cycle is a "bike sharing" program that works as an additional transportation alternative for people living and visiting Houston. At its core, a public bike sharing system is intended to be used for short trips in and around downtown Houston and surrounding urban areas. Houston B-cycle members can pick up a bike at any B-station and return it to that same station or any other B-station when they're done. Membership to the system can be purchased online or at any kiosk.
Parkmobile is a pay by phone parking solution and certain information varies depending on your location. Through the use of this innovation, motorists will be able to conduct their parking transactions from the convenience of their car. They will receive alerts before their time expires; helping them to avoid parking citations.
Mango Languages
Mango Languages is language learning for the adventurous, the ambitious and the curious. It's a perfect for a foreign language beginner, Mango Basic teaches everyday greetings, gratitude, goodbyes and helpful phrases in a short period of time. The courses, which require only two to five hours of time to complete, are currently available to Houston County Library patrons in many different foreign languages including German, Spanish, and French.
Goodwill Houston
Goodwill Industries of Houston has been empowering people to succeed in life since 1945. We provide education, training and job opportunities to people with disabilities and other barriers to employment, improving the lives of individuals, families and communities.
ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and geographic information. It is used for: creating and using maps; compiling geographic data; analyzing mapped information; sharing and discovering geographic information; using maps and geographic information in a range of applications; and managing geographic information in a database. The system provides an infrastructure for making maps and geographic information available throughout an organization, across a community, and openly on the Web.
IRS2Go is an IRS-developed app designed to help taxpayers in several ways. The app lets taxpayers check on the status of their refund; sign up for helpful tax tips or get the most recent IRS Twitter feeds. Download IRS2Go, and then connect with the IRS whenever you want, wherever you are.
Ozone Map
Ozone is the main ingredient of smog, and is formed when sunlight interacts with emissions from industry and cars. It irritates the lungs and can be dangerous for children, the elderly and those with respiratory problems like asthma. There are more than 40 ozone monitors in the Houston region, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality does post the readings online.