Houston Fire Department
Submit a Praise
Want to submit a praise for our Fire Department? Simply fill out the form below, they would love to hear from you.
This form is for thanks and praises only. For concerns or complaints, please email us at HFDPubInf@houstontx.gov or visit our webpage on how to file a complaint against an HFD employee at www.houstontx.gov/fire/complaint.html
*Thanks and praises may be edited to remove private details and for length.
Citizens Thank HFD Firefighter for Roadside Assistance
On Monday, August 21, our car had a blowout. It was the beginning of rush hour and we were on Louetta Road which was extremely busy. Our hope was to reach a tire store which was relatively close. Unfortunately, it became obvious we were not going to make it to the tire store and that we needed to stop. My husband pulled off the road and barely onto the shoulder of the road.
We were cailing Triple A for assistance when Captain Nathan Pugh pulled up. Initially he had us move the car to a little safer place and then proceeded to change our tire. My husband is 81 years old and although he has changed a lot of tires over the years, he is no longer capable of changing tires. Without the assistance of Captain Nathan Pugh we probably would have been on the side of the road for an extended period of time until Triple A got to us.
We are extremely grateful to Captain Pugh. It is our understanding that he is attached to the Fire Department at Hobby Airport. His kindness, professionalism and can-do attitude reflect well on the quality of the personnei under your command.
John and Kay N.
Citizen Thanks HFD Firefighter for His Compassion Following a Wreck
I was rear-ended very hard on I-10 ...Robert Scott pulled his vehicle behind mine in a protective fashion and came to check on me. His kindness and professionalism were exceptional. I am 65 years-old and was very shaken up by the incident, but Mr. Scott calmed me down. I would like his supervisor to know what an excellent man he has in his department.
Citizen Thanks HFD Inspector for Lending a Helpful Hand
Recently a citizen called our offices and described how he had a flat tire and pulled into a parking lot. He stated he is almost 70 years old and was having trouble changing his flat tire when at that time HFD Inspector George Hernandez came up to him and asked if he could help. Inspector Hernandez was inside a restaurant when he saw the invididual and had just ordered his food. Inspector Hernandez interrupted his own lunch to come out to the parking lot to help change the tire. The citizen went on to say that he thought it was very commendable how Inspector Hernandez took the time, not only from his lunch, but his busy day to assist him with the tire.
Firefighters Thanked for Compassion and Kindness
We are living though an era of uncertainty. I believe each of us are called to rise-up and become everything that we can be, so that our knowledge, our gifts and our passions contribute. I also know that the compassionate teams of The HFD help rescue dozens of individuals each day without regard to recognition. Not today. I would like to call to your attention two of your force that recused me in my time of need. I was traveling from my home to Austin via Houston's Intercontinental Airport. For a handful of intersecting reasons, I had an unexpected medical episode while making a connection at the airport.
Today, I ask that you, with me, celebrate: HFD Firefighter and EMT David McGinn and; HFD Engineer Operator Mark Webster.
While I was at bit shaken-up and mostly embarrassed, they treated me with kindness, respect, patience and privacy. EMT McGinn, specifically, treated and spoke to me at my level and allowed me to convey my medical knowledge and echoed back the level of information appropriate for the situation at-hand. While I hope to never have to see either of them again, at least in a professional capacity, I hope you will pass along my thanks - to each.
The City of Houston is lucky to have such fine individuals at their service. I believe in the tools the Universe has given us. I believe in science, physics, and numbers - but most of all I believe in people. I hope that I may find a way pay it forward.
Local Community Leader Thanks HFD Firefighters for Positive Infuence and Dedication
Dwight Boykins, former Council Member District D, was always an advocate for the interest of firefighters during his time as an elected official and continues to support the men and women of the HFD even today. Boykins has been instrumental in securing several appliances and tools to Houston Fire stations across the City. His passion for the Houston Fire Department began when as a young boy when he would visit his local fire station “46s”. He states the crews and Captains were influential in his upbringing. The brotherhood, mentorship and compassion displayed by these firefighters heavily impacted who he is today. On behalf of the Houston Fire Department, we would like to recognize Former Council Member Boykins for his continued generosity to the men and women of the Houston Fire Department.
A Thank You to HFD EMS Supervisor for Kindness During Vaccination
Charles , a Houston firefighter and I assume, a nurse or EMT, gave me my 2nd Moderna shot at Del Mar Stadium today.
I wish I knew his last name so I could thank him properly. [HFD determined was EMS Supervisor Captain Charles Harper]
He was so kind, like a complete angel, and I didn't feel a thing.
I feel it now! It feels like I was punched in the arm. But that's just what happens, I know.
Anyway, just trying to find him. I know it's a long shot but feel free to pass this along to him.
Thank you.
Resident Thanks HFD for EMS Response for Her Father
I would like for you know what a great job Station 105 in Summerwood is doing! They answered a call on Wednesday, February 17th. With their knowledge & assistance, I was able to get my dad to Memorial Herman Critical Care. Without their expertise, my dad probably would not have made it through the night! His hemoglobin was dangerously low & had fluid in his lungs! A huge thanks to this great group!!
HFD Crew Thanked for Professional and Caring Response to Mother of Local Deputy Chief of Surgery
I wanted to take a moment to thank HFD and the crew of Ladder 101. On the morning of February 8, 2021, Ladder 101 responded to my mother's house for a medical call. Thankfully, my mother did not require medical attention. However, she relayed to me how professional and helpful the crew was to her. She relayed how they took the time to evaluate her and reassure her.
My family would like to thank you and your crew for caring for her. It meant so much to us that skilled, trained professionals were available to her within minutes.
These have been extremely challenging times for all of us. With my own background in trauma and EMS, I know that these calls can be challenging. With the HFD tiered medical response it is a comfort to know that a trained medical crew is available within minutes to the citizens of our city. HFD has our utmost respect. While I am sure this was a routine call, my family wanted to thank you for your outstanding service. People like you and your crew (William Prestridge, Patrick Miller and Kevin Searcy) are brilliant examples of individuals who come to work and make the Houston Fire Department the outstanding, professional organization it is. Thank you for your service.
From a MD FACS, MAMSE Professor and Deputy Chief of Surgery at a Houston area Hospital.
Judge Thanks Firefighters for Helping Employee with Medical Emergency
"Good morning Chief. I just spent over an hour with the Firefighters from Truck #8, namely Firefighters Cole, Guerrero and Del Carmen. Chief I can’t express my gratitude and my staff’s gratitude for their assistance with a diabetic employee who had a serious issue. When they arrived .... they worked on her, and worked until her level was stable and she was fine. They took their time, answered questions, instructed us about future issues, and were simply fantastic. Please know that we thanked them but I wanted you to know what a wonderful group of men they are and they are such a great asset to your Department. I will rest easy knowing they are down the street and available to help. People freely write and complain, but hardly take the time to say THANK YOU for a job well done."
Judge Marshall
A Grateful Citizen Praises Houston Firefighters
A Houston resident walked into a COVID vaccination site like every other citizen, anxious but hopeful. As she sat down to receive her vaccination, she stated the kindness and professionalism exuded from the Houston Firefighters on-site, and she wanted to take a moment to thank them. As she transferred over to the observation area, she continued her conversation with the young firefighters and praised them for their kindness and stated they made the whole experience absolutely wonderful. Although, she does not remember their names, she wants these men to know they have forever made a lasting impression upon her.
The Houston Fire Department would like to thank her for taking the time to recognize these men. Ma’am, you are the driving force and the passion behind HFD careers, we do this for you!
Husband Grateful for Houston Firefighters Response to Wife's Medical Emergency
"My wife Patty was experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath at our house in the Heights. After checking her blood pressure..., she called our doctor and was told to call 911 ASAP. Within five minutes, the ambulance from station 5 arrived with Olsen Lancaster and Shamir Bailey aboard . They checked the vitals and immediately put her on a stretcher and wheeled her into the ambulance. They were met by two paramedics from station 43 (names not yet known) who climbed aboard ,stabilized her, and gave her oxygen while the ambulance raced to nearby...Hospital, just five minutes away. I followed and when I got to the emergency room she was conscious but suddenly lost her heartbeat and pulse...the men conducted CPR and helped shock her while the cardiologist worked to revive her. "
She is now home and recovering slowly. Thanks to the prompt response and quick action, she is expected to recover fully. We are blessed and very appreciative for the services of HFD's EMS and paramedics in saving her life!"
Sincerely, Bob
Dear Chief Pena,
I would like to commend the firefighters who responded to a medical call for an unresponsive middle school student on December 10th ...
Medic units from Station 8 and 16 responded, and they were staffed by firefighters originally assigned to those stations and Station 52. The crews were efficient, kind hearted, organized, and professional.
They quickly assessed our student, communicated with the school staff, initiated treatment, and made the rapid decision to transport the student to the appropriate medical facility. I rode with my student to the ER, and I was impressed with the care and dignity they used as they spoke to and treated her.
Upon arrival at the hospital, they stood by her side and waited patiently to be assigned to a room. They made sure that she and I were comfortable and answered all questions we had before they departed.
I know these are exhausting times for all fire departments across the nation, and that living in the 4th largest city in the nation presents an especially unique set of challenges. I don't know how many shifts the firefighters had worked in the past few weeks, but I imagine that each of those shifts is even more taxing with the additional stresses and PPE protocol they must be aware of during a pandemic. The firefighters seemed energized and displayed the utmost professionalism, and I was once again reminded of how it was the worst day for my student and her family, but they were at their very best when it was needed the most.
Please know that I am grateful for their efforts, attention to detail, and their consistent devotion to help each and every Houstonian with compassion as their guiding force.
With great gratitude,
Gordon ...
Seventh Grade History Teacher
"I’d like to thank the Captain and crew working at station #3 tonight (08/23/20) for assisting myself and 2 year old son. We are thankful for your assistance and greatly appreciate your public service to the city of Houston! Be safe and god bless your crew!"
Levon M.
"..."Thanks for putting out the fire at the Phoneix Bldg, at 11451 Katy Frwy! My district office is on the 2nd floor..."
Senator Paul Bettencourt
"... I can’t thank you enough for opening up your doors to us yet again. I had a great time visiting with your cadets and learning all things firefighting. I wanted to let you know how successful we were so that you could pass along the information. Everyone involved should know what difference they all made yesterday! In total, we saw 27 successful donors and collected 35 total blood products. This means we will be able help provide transfusions to 105 patients in need. With as difficult as it’s been in blood collection, I can honestly say that couldn’t have been done without your support..."
Thanks again for everything!
Stefanie V. - Gulf Coast Regional Blood
Words cannot express our thanks to the EMS team who responded to a call an office building where it appeared a young woman was having a stroke. That would be me. They arrived so quickly after the call and took me to the hospital where I received incredible care.... Your team was the first step in the top-notch care on my journey. Thank you for all your EMS crew do for our amazing city. We are truly blessed.
In deepest gratitude- Kimberly