Houston Fire Department
The HFD Public Information Office Media Hotline is 832-394-6709,
or may be reached by email at hfdnewsroom@houstontx.gov.
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HFD Texas Public Information Act - Open Records Request
The Act - The Texas Public Information Act (the "TPIA") gives the public the right to request access to government information.
Making a Request - The TPIA is triggered when a person submits a written request to the City. The request must ask for information that is already in existence.
The Act does not require the City to create new information, compile data, do legal research, or answer questions. A request should be sent to the City department that has the information. A request sent by fax or email must be sent to the proper custodian of the information.
All HFD TPIA request (from non-media) - please submit an open records request via the GovQA portal at: http://www.houstontx.gov/publicinformation/index.html, by email to: hfdfireemsrecords@houstontx.gov, by mail to HFD Records 500 Jefferson, Ste. 1900 Houston, TX 77002 or by Fax 832-394-6883. Please, include your mailing address.
*Media - HFD TPIA request (from media) - please submit an open records request via the GovQA portal at: http://www.houstontx.gov/publicinformation/index.html, by email to: alicia.breaux@houstontx.gov or by mail to HFD Public Information Office, 500 Jefferson, Ste. 1700 Houston, TX 77002 . Please, include your mailing address.
* For all Arson related inquires and/or fire incidents under investigation , please contact the HFD Arson Division directly at 713-247-8900.
The Public Information Office
To receive the HFD News Updates, please contact the HFD Public Affairs Office at hfdnewsrooms@houstontx.gov.
The Public Information Office is located at 500 Jefferson, Houston, TX 77002.
The Public Information Office may be reached by email at hfdnewsroom@houstontx.gov