Economic Development - TIRZ

24. Greater Houston

Benefits to the Zone, the City, and the County:

  • Increased real property tax revenue;
  • Increased employment;
  • Create construction and permanent jobs;
  • and Revitalization of the area with quality sustainable development which increases ridership for transit related facilities.

Boundary Enlargements

Interlocal Agreements

Budget Ordinances and Other Documents

Creation Ordinance

Project Plan

Tri-Party Agreement

Interlocal Agreement

Amending Ordinance

2nd Amendment to Interlocal Agreement

TIRZ 24 Map

TIRZ Map (.pdf)

Map Graphic Coming Soon


Tract 24 Map North Sector

Northern Sector (.pdf)

Tract 24 Map North Sector

Northern Sector Census(.pdf)

Tract 24 Map South Sector

Southern Sector (.pdf)

Tract 24 Map South Sector

Southern Sector Census (.pdf)