Cultural Affairs Office

Press and Communications

Briefings for Arts Organizations Affected by Floods

September 18, 2017 -- In response to Hurricane Harvey’s devastating effects on Houston’s arts and cultural facilities, The Mayor is encouraging affected groups to register for FEMA Public Assistance (PA) and attend Tuesday’s mandatory applicant briefing.

“Institutions such as the Houston Grand Opera and community groups like the Blue Triangle Community Center experienced severe damage to their buildings,” said Debbie McNulty, director of The Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA). “We are concerned that there are many cultural groups unaware of the FEMA Public Assistance program and the importance of attending the mandatory briefing.”

The FEMA PA program provides supplemental federal disaster grant assistance to publicly owned facilities and certain private, non-profit agencies for debris removal and emergency protective measures; and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damage. The PA program also encourages protection of these facilities from future natural disasters.

The Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM) coordinates the PA application process. TDEM will host a mandatory applicant briefing for Harris County on Tuesday, September 19, 10:30 a.m. at Houston TranStar, 6922 Katy Road Houston, Texas 77024, Training/Conference Room A/B.

More information about the FEMA PA program requirements and other MOCA recovery efforts can be found at