Cultural Affairs Office

Press and Communications

Houston's Newest Art Recycle Truck Hits the Streets

June 14, 2017 -- The City of Houston is proud to celebrate its commitments to making neighborhoods greener and showcasing local artists with the addition of the seventh Art Recycle Truck.

Houston artist Iva Kinnaird’s Wet Cement art wrap on a recycling truck transforms the vehicle into mobile artwork bringing public art into neighborhoods and sparking awareness and participation in the City’s recycling program.

“The Art Recycle Truck project is another avenue to bring public art into communities.  This mobile artwork will travel thousands of miles on the roads of Houston for an anticipated seven years, bringing art and City recycling services to Houston residents,” said The Mayor. “The Art Recycle Trucks have been a big hit with everyone and with summertime, we hope children will be on the lookout for an art recycle truck in their community.”

“Houston is connected by many thousands of miles of concrete streets and sidewalks and is continuing to grow rapidly,” said Kinnaird. “The artwork is intended as a visual metaphor to show that individual action makes a lasting difference and to illustrate that we must take care with the decisions we make today, because of the mark they will leave on the future of our city.”

Kinnaird graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014 and has since been living, working and driving in Houston. Her art uses humor to playfully address issues that confront us. Her work has been presented at Lawndale Art Center and galleryHOMELAND in Houston, 500X Gallery in Dallas, and CoLab Projects in Austin. Following an open call for applicants, Kinnaird was selected by a panel of Houston art professionals and a representative of City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department.  The previous six Art Recycle trucks were commissioned in 2014 and are still in operation.

“As Houston’s support for recycling grows, it is an added benefit that the collection trucks bring 'art on wheels' to their daily routes,” said Harry Hayes, Director of Solid Waste Management and Chief Operating Officer.  “The community enjoys seeing the small fleet of Art Recycle Trucks parade at local educational and celebratory events and we look to continue expanding our small fleet.”

The innovative Art Recycle Truck project is made possible by the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department and Houston Arts Alliance, which is under contract to manage Civic Art projects for the City.

The artwork is funded by the City of Houston Civic Art Program.  In 1999, the City of Houston established an ordinance mandating that 1.75% of qualified Capital Improvement Project dollars be set aside for civic art.  The program is managed by The Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs.

For more information about the City’s Cultural Programs go to or follow The Mayor’s office of Cultural Affairs on Facebook @HoustonMOCA.

Art Recycle Truck Graphic