At-Large Position 2

Council Member Willie Davis

Cooling Center Information: Residents seeking relief from extreme heat may access the City of Houston's publicly accessible facilities during hours of operation, including Multi-Service Centers and libraries. For more information, please review this press release: Residents may also call 3-1-1 for the most up to date business hours of the centers and libraries.

About Council Member Davis

Willie DavisRaised in the Third Ward by a single mother, in a home with 10 siblings, he is no stranger to hardship.

Wealth and comfort were luxuries he was unfamiliar with, but these hard times taught him a lesson that he would carry with him for the rest of his life. It’s people and the relationships we have with them that is important. As Willie puts it, “We had very little money and it was a hard time, but what we did have was each other.”

What he learned from taking care of friends and family, he carried with him when he joined the United States Army. When he left the military he answered a higher calling of service and became a pastor. With three decades of ministering to the spiritual needs of those around him, Pastor Willie Davis tirelessly tended to his congregation at the MacGregor Palm Community Baptist Church on the Southside, and continues to do so today.

Pastor Willie Davis is no politician.

He’s a proud Houston native who has spent his entire life in the service of others. He’s a big man, with a bigger smile, and an even bigger heart, raised in one of the most impoverished parts of this great city.

After six decades of serving others, after serving friends, family, and our county, after ministering to the spiritual needs of those around him, Willie Davis now serves our city as At-Large Position 2 Council Member.

He’s a man who knows the greatness of this city, as well as its grumblings.