Become a Rescue Partner

Rescue and transport partners play an integral role in saving lives. During fiscal year 2023, a total of 8,773 pets were transferred to partner organizations. You can learn more about BARC's statistics and reports at

Each rescue group plays an essential role in making an impact, and we are always looking for new partners. Are you interested in helping us change a pet's life? To become an official rescue partner, please complete the application linked below. Current partners must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit. 

Please have the items listed below ready when you start an application:

  • IRS form confirming 501(c)(3) status
  • Group mission statement
  • Adoption standards and contract
  • Sterilization policies
  • Social media handles and website URL

Become an Approved Rescue

Current Rescue Partners:

The following is a list of some of our rescue and transport partners who work tirelessly to help save lives. Please note that not all of our partners are listed here, as some have requested to remain off the public list.

If you're a current, approved BARC rescue partner and would like to be added to this list, please email our rescue team at

These rescue partners rely on local fosters.

BARC Information

3200 Carr Street,
Houston, TX 77026
Call 3-1-1 for more information

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