BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions
Lost Pets
We know losing your pet can be a stressful time. We want to help! BARC Animal Shelter & Adoptions is committed to reuniting lost pets with their owners as quickly as possible which is why we have partnered with Petco Love Lost to help more lost pets find their way home.
Petco Love Lost simplifies the search for lost and found pets by offering a free central location to report, search, and share your lost pet.
In addition to using Petco Love Lost, pet owners may visit BARC at 3200 Carr St, Houston, TX 77026, 10am – 5pm, seven days a week, to look for their pets.
Lost your pet? Do these things right away:

Report your missing pet and search for a match on Petco Love Lost, a national lost and found database where shelters and neighbors report found pets.Report A Lost Pet

Look Around
Look around the area where your pet was lost. Create LOST PET signs and hang them as you walk around the neighborhood.