Mayor's Office for Adult Literacy
Our Initiatives - Bridge Digital Academy
The Bridge Digital Academy model implements Houston's Adult Literacy Blueprint Goal 5, reducing the gap in access to technology and digital resources and increasing the number of adults completing digital skills training needed in our evolving economy. Through participating adult literacy providers, learners receive micro-credentials through performance- based skill certificates and badges in digital literacy through North Star Digital Literacy. The innovative aspect of this program is the broad scale collaboration and development of a digital literacy consortium and academy between MOAL, the Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, and the Houston Community College Adult Education Department to advance digital skills and knowledge across the Greater Houston Area.
MOAL will continue expanding current digital literacy into digital upskilling opportunities provided with evolving partnerships consisting of software developers and ed tech resource providers for the BDA cohort. The office plans to continue expanding the BDA project and seek potential support from surrounding colleges and universities for digital literacy navigator support, a shared goal for both the BDA and other current and future grant funded digital equity projects and pilot programs.
This project funded through a grant from Literacy Minnesota provided 2 AmeriCorps VISTA Literacy Leaders serving as consultants to for the development of:
- digital literacy skills classes and/or skill integration into existing classes following the Houston Adult Literacy Blueprint Domains model for adult literacy.
- expansion and development of curricula and digital instruction resources to address each provider’s unique digital literacy need
At the close of BDA Year 2:
- over one thousand adult learners have participated in the model
- successfully assisted providers in creating their own ed tech programming and expanding digital opportunities
- developed customized digital lessons, strategic planning guides, and a Spanish computer terms vocabulary reference in collaboration with the CEO of Impresarios Latinos de Houston
- View the Facebook photo gallery of this event (coming soon)