Dedicated Bicycle Lane Ordinance
View the Dedicated Bicycle Lanes YouTube Video
The No Parking in Dedicated Bicycle Lane Ordinance prohibits on-street parking of motor vehicles in dedicated bicycle lanes. A dedicated bicycle lane is a portion of the roadway separated from vehicle traffic with striping and/or physical barriers for the exclusive use of bicyclists.
The violation has a $100 fine. City Council approved the parking violation on October 14, 2020.
Bicycle Lane Information Card in English (.pdf) and Spanish (.pdf)
Bicycle Friendly Driver Training Course
You may request a waiver of the for your FIRST violation for Parking in a Dedicated Bicycle Lane.
- Complete application (.pdf)
- Have a Parking Adjudication Hearing
- Take Bicycle Friendly Driver Training Class
- Pass the class exam with 80% or greater
If you receive a citation for parking in a dedicated bicycle lane (APK-31, .pdf link), you must submit an application (.pdf) to request the waiver of the fee for your first violation.
If your request is granted, you will be required to take the Bicycle Friendly Driver Training Class and pass the exam with a score of 80% or greater. The class is designed to teach the best practices for the road safety of bicyclists and other non-motorists on shared roads.
To request the waiver, a parking hearing must be held within 30 days of the citation issue date. Hearings are held online or in person. An appointment is not required for an in-person hearing. Visit How to Resolve a Parking Citation for more information on requesting a hearing.
When you complete the course, your test score will be emailed to you and ParkHouston. If the result is 80% or greater, ParkHouston will forward the results to the Hearing Officer. Satisfactory completion of the training must be emailed to ParkHouston by the date set by the Hearing Officer.
Dedicated Bicycle Lane Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a dedicated bicycle lane?
A: This is a portion of the roadway that is separated from motor vehicle traffic with striping or other physical barriers. The separated portion of the roadway is for the exclusive use of bicyclists.
Q: Can I park my car on the bicycle lane for just a few minutes to drop off a package?
A: No. The lane is for the exclusive use of bicyclists. For some dedicated bicycle lanes, there is parking available next to the bicycle lane. In some situations, the vehicle will need to park on another street or in private parking.
Q: Will a “No Parking” or “Bicycle Only” sign be posted?
A: No. The bicycle lane is separated from the vehicle traffic lanes by striping or a physical barrier.
Q: What is the fine for this citation?
A: $100 is the base fine. After 30 days, if the citation is not resolved, a delinquent fine of $50 is assessed. If the citation remains unresolved after 90 days, it is assessed a 30% fee and transferred to the collections agency. Total due after 90 days can be up to $195.
Q: I didn’t realize I parked in the bicycle lane. What are my options?
A: All parking violation citations may be appealed to an administrative hearing officer. For bicycle lane violation citations, the violator can request to take the bicycle safety course in lieu of paying the $100 fine. This request must be made within 30 days of the issuance of the citation, and the course must be completed within 90 days. You may request an online hearing by visiting us online or you may visit 1400 Lubbock in person for a hearing. Hearings are held on a first-come, first-served basis, Mon-Fri, 8 am to 10 pm and Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm.
Q: I can’t afford to pay the fine. What are my options?
A: If this is a first-time violation, you may see a hearing officer and request the Bicycle Safety Course option in lieu of paying the fine. The Hearing Officer will provide you with the information for the online course. Proof of completion must be submitted to the ParkHouston office within 90 days of visiting the hearing officer. Proof can be emailed to parking@houstontx.gov or mailed to ParkHouston, 2020 McKinney, Houston, TX. 77003.
Q. How do I report a Dedicated Bicycle Lane violation?
A. Dedicated Bicycle Lane violations can be reported by calling 311 or submitting them online (http://www.houstontx.gov/311/traffic_streets_drainage.html). Please provide the street, block number and time of day.