Events And Venues In Houston Area

Alley Theatre

Alley TheatreAlley Theatre
615 Texas
Houston, TX 77002

PHONE: 713.220.5700

The Alley Theatre, one of America’s leading nonprofit theatres, is a nationally recognized performing arts company. The Alley is committed to developing and producing theatre that is as diverse as the Houston community. The Theatre produces up to 16 plays and nearly 500 performances each season, ranging from the best current work and re-invigorated classic plays to new plays by contemporary writers. Home to a full-time resident company of actors, the Alley engages theatre artists of every discipline—actors, directors, designers, composers, playwrights—who work on individual productions throughout each season as visiting artists.

The Alley is comprised of two state-of-the-art theatres: the 774-seat Hubbard Theatre and the 296-seat Neuhaus Theatre. The Alley reaches over 200,000 people each year through its performances, education, and community engagement programs. Its audience enrichment programs include pre-show and post-performance talks, events, and workshops for audience members of all ages.

Alley Theatre Schedule

Dial M for Murder: May 31 to June 23, 2024
Money, fear, jealousy, revenge… protecting someone you love. All motives for murder, all here in this sharp new adaptation of a classic thriller. This version weaves a whole new tangled web when Tony plots to have his wife Margot killed after he discovers her affair.

Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None: July 19 to August 25, 2024
A secluded island, ten strangers, and a deadly game of survival. Experience the tension and drama live on stage as Agatha Christie's classic novel comes to life. The clock is ticking, and the suspense is palpable. The body count rises as the characters grapple with their own secrets and guilt. Can you solve who is behind it all?

Noises Off: September 27 to October 27, 2024
Behind every successful show lies the chaos of rehearsals. This chaotic comedy pulls back the curtain to reveal the hilarious pandemonium that ensues when a group of eccentric actors attempts to stage a play. From missed cues to misplaced props, this backstage farce will have you doubled over with laughter as you witness the mayhem unfold.

The Janeiad: October 11 to November 3, 2024
Everyone grieves in their own way. For Jane, she waits. For 20 years, Jane longs for her husband to return to her after 9/11, much like Penelope awaits her husband's return in "The Odyssey." Penelope’s longing is eventually rewarded when Odysseus returns to Ithaca after leaving to fight the Trojan War. Will the same be true for Jane? Discover the power of grief, hope, and love.

A Christmas Carol: November 14 to December 29, 2024
Rediscover the timeless tale of Ebenezer Scrooge's transformation as he encounters the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Be transported into Victorian England with dazzling costumes and stunning sets. Join us for a Dickensian celebration of love, redemption, and the true spirit of Christmas!

The Night Shift Before Christmas: December 5 to 24, 2024
The Christmas Eve overnight shift is Margot’s personal tradition — even if that means dealing with grumpy drive-thru customers. But when her dead best friend Jackie Marley drops by to warn her of impending late-night visits by spirits, Margot has no choice but to roll with the punches and confront the very Scrooge she’s become.

December - A Love Years in the Making: January 17 to February 2, 2025
An unlikely attraction blooms between poetry professor Carolina and her talented student Benjamin. Spanning 20 years, this romantic comedy follows two Texans connecting over literature and music in Minnesota. This lyrical meditation allows us to explore love, poetry, and timing.

Seared: February 7 to March 2, 2025
This sizzling play serves up a delectable blend of culinary chaos and artistic intensity. Harry, an up-and-coming chef, has received great praise, but his restaurant still operates in the red. To fix this, Harry’s business partner, Mike, hires a consultant, Emily, to elevate the restaurant. However, Harry and Emily have vastly different views on the restaurant’s priorities. This spicy comedy asks us to consider where art ends and business begins.

The Glass Menagerie: February 21 to March 16, 2025
This American classic follows a family trapped in dreams and delusion. Amanda, a faded Southern belle, yearns for a better life for her children. However, Laura would rather spend time alone with her collection of delicate glass animals, while her restless son, Tom, longs to escape the monotony of his current life. This timeless masterpiece asks us to explore themes of memory, escape, and the delicate nature of human connections.

Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery: April 4 to 27, 2025
Step into the foggy moors of Devonshire as the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes and his trusty sidekick Dr. Watson embark on a thrilling and hilarious adventure. This fast-paced and witty adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic novel, "The Hound of the Baskervilles," promises an evening of mystery, laughter, and suspense.

Primary Trust: May 2 to 25, 2025
Kenneth has lived the same routine every day for the past 15 years. During the day, he goes to work at a bookstore; at night, he goes to a tiki bar with his friend Bert. However, when the bookstore goes out of business, Kenneth is forced to push past his boundaries and reconcile with his past. Witness this tender-hearted tale of old friends, new beginnings, and the smallest of chances.

Noel Coward's Private Lives: May 2 to 25, 2025
Reimagined in glamorous 1930s Argentina, this beloved comedy explores the consequences of love, desire, and the thin line between affection and animosity. Divorced couple Elyot and Amanda accidentally find themselves honeymooning with their new spouses in adjacent rooms creating a whirlwind of witty banter, heated confrontations, and the unexpected rekindling of old flames. Experience Coward's sharp, sophisticated dialogue with charismatic charm in this timeless exploration of the complexities of love and human nature.

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