
Solid Waste Management Department

Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) Collection Schedule Due To Flooding April 18, 2016


City of Houston 

Harry J. Hayes, Director Sylvester Turner, Mayor
For more information, please contact:
City of Houston Solid Waste Management

Irma Reyes 
(832) 393-0475 office 

Tyra Wilkins
(832) 393-0448 office

Monday, April 18, 2016
No collection due to flooding. All SWMD facilities, including the Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers, the Westpark Recycling Center and the Reuse Warehouse closed.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Monday’s Garbage, Curbside Recycling, Yard Waste, 3rd Monday's Heavy Trash Bulk Waste will be collected today. The Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers are closed.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tuesday’s Garbage, Curbside Recycling, Yard Waste, 3rd Tuesday's Heavy Trash Bulk Waste will be collected today. The Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers re-open.

Thursday, April 21, 2016
Normal garbage schedule resumes today. 3rd Wednesday's Heavy Trash Bulk Waste will be collected today. The Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers re-open.

Friday, April 22, 2016
Normal garbage schedule resumes today. 3rd Thursday's Heavy Trash Bulk Waste will be collected today. The Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers re-open.

Saturday, April 23, 2016
4th Friday's Heavy Trash Bulk Waste will be collected today. The Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Centers re-open.

For more information about the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department and its services, residents may check online at www.houstonsolidwaste.org, like us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/houstonsolidwaste, follow us on twitter @houstontrash or call 3-1-1, the City of Houston’s Customer Service Hotline.

The Solid Waste Management Department provides solid waste service to the citizens of Houston through the collection, disposal and recycling of discarded material in a manner that is safe, efficient, environmentally sound and cost-effective.