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HPD Cadet Breaks Academy Record for Most Push-Ups

Cadet Ana AndinoJuly 21, 2009 - Cadet Ana Andino, in HPD Academy Class #204, has done something no other female Houston Police cadet has ever accomplished. With strength and determination, she broke the HPD Academy’s record for number of push-ups by a female when she did 405 push-ups during a recent physical agility test.  Cadet Andino beat the previous record by five push-ups, which was set by a female cadet in May 2008.

While Cadet Andino did perform more push-ups than her fellow cadets, what is even more remarkable is that six months ago, when she entered the academy, she was barely able to perform 25 push-ups.  The first time she had ever performed a push-up was in her recruiter’s office several months before she was accepted into the academy.

“My recruiter said I was going to have to work on push-ups if I wanted to be able to get through the academy.  I started working on them but when I got to the academy and didn’t see any female Hispanic record holders on the wall, I said I was going to beat the record,” said Cadet Andino.  “I wanted to be a Hispanic role model for the other cadets.”

Previous female record holders include a former marine and former body builder, both with extensive athletic experience. Cadet Andino had no previous athletic experience, just determination to see her goal through to the end. 

From that day forward, Cadet Andino, a single mother, practiced day and night.  “I would watch TV in the push-up position and my children would count my pushups for me.  My children are what kept me motivated and they encouraged me to not give up.  I did it for them.  I told them that you can achieve anything you believe you can do.  And now I’ve taught them that.  It’s a lesson they’ll remember.” 

Cadet Andino will graduate the police academy on July 29th.  That night, her daughters will be there to cheer her on and view her picture as the current female record holder of push-ups.

Any media interested in interviews with Cadet Andino may contact Public Affairs at 713-308-3200. A link to video of Cadet Andino can be found at https://hpdcareer.blogspot.com/2009/07/blog-post_07.html





For additional information, please contact the HPD Public Affairs Division at 713-308-3200 .

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