POLICE Department
Crime Statistics for 8C60's Beat
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Beat Description and Boundary:
The boundry begins at the intersection of the SPRR railroad and Mt Houston and follows the city limits east along Mt Houston to Pipeline. The city limits and beat boundary turns south along the western ditch of Suburban and goes to Furay Street. It turns east and goes along the southern lot lines of Furay Street to Thackery. It continues south along the eastern lot lines of Thackery to the city limits boundary that runs about a quarter mile north of West Little York. The beat boundary follows the city limits to the MPRR railroad. The beat boundary turns southwest along the railroad and goes to Halls Bayou. It turns west along the Bayou to the SPRR railroad tracks. It turns northeast along the railroad tracks to Langley. At Langley, the city limits run parallel to the SPRR railroad tracks. The boundary follows the city limits northeast along the railroad tracks until the city limits turn east at Mt Houston, which is where the boundary begins.
Landmarks and Neighborhoods Within This Beat:
Edgeworth, Northwood Manor, Scenic Woods
ZIP Codes Within This Beat (see note below on ZIP codes and beats):