POLICE Department
Crime Statistics for 1A40's Beat
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Beat Description and Boundary:
The boundary begins at the intersection of the SPPR raiilroad tracks and Buffalo Bayou and goes east along the middle of the Bayou to South Shepherd. It turns south on South Shepherd to San Felipe. South Shepherd is in the beat 1A30. At San Felipe, the boundary turns west along the north lot lines. San Felipe is also in 1A30's beat. The boundary turns south along the east lot lines of Argonne to the north lot lines of the property facing south along the 2300 and 2200 blocks of Indiana (leaving the buildings in 1A40's beat). It turns east on Indiana to the east lot lines of the buildings facing west on Kingston leaving the buildings in 1A40's beat. It goes south on the east side of Kingston to Dunraven, putting the Kingston addresses in the 1A40's beat. The boundary turns west on the south side of Dunraven to the east side of Westgate and follows Westgate south to Westheimer to the SPPR railroad tracks. Addresses on both sides of Westheimer are in 1A40's beat. It goes up the middle of the railroad tracks to Buffalo Bayou, which is where it begins.
Landmarks and Neighborhoods Within This Beat:
Tall Timbers, Royden Oaks, River Oaks, Avalon Place, Oak Estates, River Oaks Country Club
ZIP Codes Within This Beat (see note below on ZIP codes and beats):