POLICE Department
Comida/Food Drive
The Houston Police Department will celebrate its 39th annual Comida/Food Drive on Saturday, December 21st, 2024. Since 2020, HPD’s Office of Community Affairs has partnered with Kroger to purchase holiday meals for pre-selected Houston families who need some extra help during the holidays.
This year, HPD and Kroger will provide 400 meals to Houston families. Pepsi has also continued its long-standing partnership with HPD by providing beverages to go with the meals. We are working diligently to locate willing businesses in the Houston area to provide corporate donations, so we can then purchase more holiday meals from Kroger for future food drives. Each holiday meal allows us to bless a less fortunate family from across the Houston area.
How it works: HPD officers from around the city identify families in need and help them register online to receive a holiday meal. On Distribution Day, each family exchanges their registration for a delicious holiday meal. Each holiday meal contains Kroger brand Frozen Turkey (10-14lbs), stuffing, green beans, corn, gravy, cranberry, mashed potatoes and mac & cheese.
Distribution of the holiday meals will be on December 21st, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at Houston Police Department's headquarters, located at 1200 Travis Street, Houston, TX. 77002. Please go to https://form.jotform.com/233024515920144 to register. Families will then receive a confirmation number to be presented on distribution day.
Please help us spread the word encouraging a family to register or with a monetary donation. Every dollar raised goes toward providing a Houston family with a wonderful meal.

For more information contact the Houston Police Department, Community Affairs at 713-308-3200